January 27th We recorded three of our songs 'Another Gin', 'We were Friends' and 'Dreams' at the Soundmill Studio in Leeds in- and we are going to shoot a film based around 'Another Gin' featuring Denis in the lead part- not to be missed
Loads of stuff
planned in the next
few months
Lots of rehearsing at the moment
Song writing too!!!
The 2009 Armley Music Feast is in it's early planning stages- anyone interested in helping get in touch
Lots of events, concerts and projects planned for 2009
'Another Gin' with supporting film available in 2009
Recording in the Soundmill .
This is where Oh Dee Mhac One records their music.
Always a great source of ideas, adventure and fun. See 'gossip' page for an account of some of our stories.
Meanwhile please sign up to our mailing list for news of upcoming gigs and events